Better arrangements for pricing certain travel related expenses
The NDIS has updated the PAPL document to make pricing arrangements for travel costs clearer and better.
Assistance with daily life and supported independent living
We have included extra support items for Provider Travel – Non-labour costs. This enables participants to leverage the assistance from their Core budget when the funds for Capacity Building are not adaptable.
To facilitate this modification, the NDIS has refreshed the NDIS Support Catalogue with novel item codes and explanations.
Core – general transport
The NDIS made some modifications to the wording in the PAPL document to clarify how this support item enables a participant to compensate a provider for transportation to an event. This could encompass an event that isn’t inherently a support. For instance, it can include participant commuting to and from meetings or their workplace.
We urge all providers to download the revised PAPL document and Support Catalogue from the Pricing arrangements page.
Source: https://www.ndis.gov.au/news/9720-improved-pricing-arrangements-some-travel-costs