AAA Advanced Quality Care

Spotlight on Shawn

A Story of Success

A true inspiration

Shawn's Journey

Shawn, who is courageously living with Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome—a complex and severe form of epilepsy—has faced considerable challenges. Over the years, Shawn has been prescribed nearly 39 different medications in an effort to manage his seizures, along with co-occurring conditions like autism and anxiety. Due to the high risk of injury from seizure-induced falls, Shawn often relied on a wheelchair for mobility.

Shawn lennox gastaut syndrome Rabitohs

In a pursuit to enhance his quality of life, Shawn underwent a significant procedure a few years ago: the implantation of a Vagus Nerve Stimulator (VNS). This device, similar to a pacemaker and implanted in the chest with wires extending to the brain, works to stabilize brain activity. The VNS includes a hand-held magnet that, when swiped across the implant, sends electrical impulses to the brain with the aim of reducing or stopping seizures.

Shawn’s seizure episodes vary in intensity, sometimes necessitating hospitalization. To address the severe drop seizures more effectively, Shawn underwent a corpus callosotomy. This surgical procedure, involving the severing of the corpus callosum, aimed to reduce the frequency and severity of his seizures by preventing seizure spread between the hemispheres of the brain.

A significant and promising addition to Shawn’s treatment has been the use of medical cannabis, which has shown remarkable results in managing his epilepsy. The introduction of this therapy has been a key factor in improving Shawn’s condition and quality of life.

As we approached the prospect of further medical interventions, a turning point emerged. Shawn’s remarkable support network, comprising his family, caregivers, and medical specialists, came together in a united effort to explore better alternatives. This collaboration reflects a beacon of hope and exemplifies the power of community and the relentless pursuit of improved care in the face of daunting medical challenges.

What are you waiting for?
Get the care you deserve with our team at AAA Advanced Quality Care Queensland.

Community Access

Shawn lives a very fulfilled life a true blue Rabbitohs fan his support workers take him to every game possible. He will tell the umpires what for from the side line!!

His love of cricket is second to none and he names his favourites players when they run on the field.

Shawn’s carers go out of their way to include Shawn in all occasions even Haloween!!

Shawn loves the V8s & theme parks

Shawn has been in helicopters, V8 race cars there is nothing this young man is afraid to try!! He is braver than some his carers putting them to shame when it comes to scarey rides at the theme parks!! And loves to rub it in!

Trains, trams & bowling

Shawn loves to ride on the trains or trams sometimes he will just sit and watch trains come and go and lets not forget the bin trucks!!

All aboard !! All the conductors know Shawn by name he is a regular celebrity!! His bowling skills are amazing consistently kicking his carers butt as he puts it!!

Want the care Shawn receives?
Call our team our team at AAA Advanced Quality Care Queensland to start your journey.

shawn supported indpendant living

Supported Independant Living

Shawn gets in amongst it and helps with his washing , here he is hard at it during a respite stay.

Shawn is encouraged to keep his skills up and be as self-sufficient as possible. His cheeky attitude outshines any disability he has.

To see the change in Shawn over the last few months is truly amazing. Its only going to get better as we adapt , resolve and evolve with Shawn’s Journey.

Follow him on Facebook for his latest hijinks !

Shawn is one of the main reasons why we started AAA Advanced Quality Care. He is a shining light when days are dark , you only have to spend a minute with Shawn and you cannot help but smile!!

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