Our shared support provides access to 24/7 assistance for unplanned supports that is not part of a client’s routine daily activities. It includes ad hoc assistance to a you where incidental or unplanned assistance is required within the SDA dwelling
As a guide, the support provided should not exceed an average of 2.5 hours of direct person-to-person support per day.
Advanced Quality Care will also provide scheduled support within the OSS arrangement, which presents further savings in other areas of your NDIS plan.
OSS support means your NDIS funding can go further. As a Registered NDIS Provider we can assist you.
OSS can help make your person centred plan go further; it is a cost-effective way of getting some scheduled support while also providing the comfort of having some on call support as and when required. In the event of an emergency.
Advanced Quality Care partners with Disability Housing to provide the onsite shared supports in your SDA home.
Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) is specifically designed housing for people with very high support needs.
The accommodation includes special features that can help you live as independently as possible and have better access to support in your home.
SDA funding is for the home only – it does not cover support costs, which are funded separately by the NDIS.
Disability Housing manages the apartments and is a registered NDIS Service Provider of Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA provider).
Advanced Quality Care provides the onsite shared supports for the apartments.
Advanced Quality Care, as the onsite shared support provider, we will be there to provide you and other residents in the apartment building with on-call access to unplanned or unscheduled supports.
Onsite shared support includes ‘unscheduled’ supports delivered in a single occupancy SDA property.
AAA has their own dedicated apartment within the building complex with 24/7 on-call assistance.
The supports are for active ‘unscheduled supports’ which are supports for unplanned or irregular needs.
For example, this might be assistance with personal care, bedtime and morning assistance, emergencies, or even small things like retrieving dropped items.
Our skilled team can provide a range of activities, such as:
01_066_0115_1_1 Unplanned onsite shared supports in Specialist Disability Accommodation
Weekly amount is $1,438.03– this adds up to $8.13 per hour for 24/7 on-call and scheduled support. Advanced Quality Care brings together three key elements so you can benefit from your OOSS funding. OOSS funding does not effect any other part of your NDIS package , it is an add on as part of your SDA funding and obligation to live within the environment approved by your lease.
Yes. You will have choice and control to select your planned, or rostered supports which include day-to-day, regular, and consistent tasks.
Our onsite shared supports run alongside your individual scheduled supports. Advanced Quality Care can provide both your onsite shared support and individual scheduled supports if you like, or you can keep them separate. The choice is yours!
Advanced Quality Care have an OSS Coordinator on site to coordinate and deliver the shared supports.
Our OSS Coordinator will work with you to meet your individual needs, preferences, and expectations and will set up regular reviews with you.
Advanced Quality Care will work closely with Disability Housing Australia to fill vacancies and ensure the right tenants are offered an apartment.
We want to build a community of people who:
You and a fellow tenant, Jim, both apply to live in the apartments.
You both agree to contribute $1365 per week to receive onsite shared support, understanding this will include both Scheduled and unscheduled support.
You and Jim only require sleepover support.
You and Jim also have a budget for core or scheduled supports of four hours each day in your respective plans.
You and Jim decide it is much easier for you both to have someone available 24/7 and collaborate with their provider to use their 4 hours each to fill the rest of the unmanned onsite shared support hours.
You and Jim now have someone available on site 24/7 with ample funds remaining for community participation (CP) or extra staff for 2:1 supports.