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Positive Behaviour Support

Read some of our case studies and positive outcomes from plans that have been put together by our team.

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Behaviour support practitioners are professionals who specialize in working with individuals who exhibit challenging behaviours. These practitioners collaborate with the individual, their family, and support teams to develop personalized strategies that address the root causes of the challenging behaviours. By understanding the triggers and underlying factors contributing to the behaviours, behaviour support practitioners can create effective interventions that not only reduce the challenging behaviours but also promote positive outcomes for the individual.

Overall, the goal of behaviour support practitioners is to improve the quality of life for individuals with challenging behaviours by helping them develop the skills and tools they need to effectively manage their behaviours and achieve their goals. Through their expertise and dedication, behaviour support practitioners play a crucial role in supporting individuals with challenging behaviours to lead fulfilling and successful lives.

Here are some brief case studies demonstrating the positive impact these professionals can have:

Reduction in Aggressive Outbursts

  • Background: Sarah, a 25-year-old woman with a moderate intellectual disability, frequently exhibited aggressive outbursts towards her caregivers and peers. This behaviour led to injuries and social isolation.
  • Intervention: A behaviour support practitioner worked with Sarah and her support team to identify triggers for her aggression. They discovered that changes in routine were a significant factor. The practitioner designed a structured daily schedule with visual cues to prepare her for transitions.
  • Outcome: Within months, Sarah’s aggressive outbursts reduced significantly. She became more comfortable with changes in routine, and her improved social behaviour allowed her to engage more positively with peers.
*Picture for illustration purpose only
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*Picture for illustration purpose only
10 year old boy struggle communication

Improved Communication and Reduced Self-Injury

  • Background: Jason, a 10-year-old boy with autism, struggled with communication, which often led to frustration and self-injurious behaviour (e.g., head-banging).
  • Intervention: The behaviour support practitioner introduced a Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) to help Jason express his needs visually. They also taught his parents how to use this system at home.
  • Outcome: After implementing PECS, Jason’s self-injurious behaviour decreased dramatically as he could now communicate his needs more effectively. His relationship with his parents improved, and he became more engaged in learning activities.

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Enhanced Independence

  • Background: Maria, a 35-year-old woman with Down syndrome, relied heavily on others for basic daily tasks. Her lack of independence created low self-esteem and dependence on her family.
  • Intervention: A behaviour support practitioner collaborated with Maria to establish personalized goals aimed at fostering independence. They incorporated visual prompts and task breakdowns to help Maria learn household chores and self-care routines.
  • Outcome: After several months, Maria became capable of managing many daily activities on her own, which increased her self-confidence. Her newfound independence also alleviated some of the caregiving burden on her family.
*Picture for illustration purpose only
Maria 35 downs syndrome Case Study

These case studies illustrate how behaviour support practitioners can tailor interventions to individuals’ specific needs and foster significant improvements in their quality of life.